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Mining Colony
Your home world is running low on resources. To survive, you send teams of workers to a nearby resource-rich planet, but one with a harsh and inhospitable environment. Will your teams outperform the others to build the best mining colony?
Mining Colony is a tile laying game for 1-4 players in which you use excavation cards to compete for resources. With these resources, you develop your colonies and attempt to build science stations and outposts.
Mining Colony is a tile laying game for 1-4 players in which you use excavation cards to compete for resources. With these resources, you develop your colonies and attempt to build science stations and outposts.

Mining Colony | Tesera
Your home world is running low on resources. To survive, you send teams of workers to a nearby resource-rich planet, but one with a harsh and inhospitable environment. Will your teams outperform the others to build the best mining colony? Mining Colony is a tile laying game for 1-4 players
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